Spray Tan Machine & Equipment

Showing all 11 results

Complete your salon experience and deliver long-lasting, healthy tans to your clients with our extensive range of professional spray tan equipment. Whether you’re in the beauty trade or simply chasing that coveted glow all year round, you can purchase all your spray tanning equipment at Salon Direct — we have everything you need, from spray tanning machines to pop-up tents.


Your Most Common Questions Answered

What is the expected lifespan of your tanning equipment?

The expected lifespan of spray tan equipment will depend on the frequency of usage and how well you maintain them. Naturally, the more frequently you use your machines, the quicker they will degrade through wear and tear. However, if you clean your equipment properly after use, you can expect them to remain in premium condition for multiple years.

What should I do if I encounter issues with my tanning equipment?

If you encounter any issues with your spray tan equipment, be sure to follow the directions written in the accompanying manual. You may contact us, the manufacturer or the warranty provider for further instructions.

How can I maintain my tanning equipment to ensure its longevity?

You can maintain your tanning equipment by cleaning and storing them appropriately according to the manual instructions. Make sure to unplug machines not in use, especially before cleaning. If you have many pieces of spray tan equipment used daily in high frequencies, we suggest routinely getting them checked and cleaned by professionals. Review more FAQs on our website or contact us directly for further information and help.